All posters will be presented in electronic format (e-poster)
Guidelines for submission of posters are the same for all categories of participants
Please save the name of file as : Poster_subtheme_RegID_AbstractID_Authorname
Last date for submission of e-posters: 28.10.2022
Your poster should have the following essential sections:
1. Introduction and identification of need
2. Objective(s), Rationale, Research Question
3. Methodology & Data Analysis
4. Results / Discussion
5. Conclusion / Take home messages
6. References
1. The e-poster should be prepared in .PPTX format.
2. Single PPT slide in portrait orientation will be permitted for presenting the E-poster
3. Wherever possible use diagram/figure/tables to depict the results or study design
4. Don’t crowd the poster
5. e-Poster size in pixel: 1080 width x 1536 height
6. e-poster size in cms: 38.1 width x 54.2 height

A sample template for e-poster presentation