Welcome to India's fourth evidence based Lifestyle Medicine Conference by the Indian Society of Lifestyle Medicine, ISLM. Join us to for expert lectures by a globally renowned faculty, panel discussions and workshops on the pillars of Lifestyle Medicine, how to deliver LSM, its important for metabolic & mental health and other chronic diseases, LSM through the ages and much more.
The conference is aimed at Allopathic physicians from all specialities, dieticians, exercise physiologists, psychologists and other stakeholders interested in the health of the nation
Our objective is to create a healthier society by 'Revolutionizing Healthcare' and making it more sustainable for everyone.
Physicians & Lifestyle Medicine Allied Health Care Professionals (Dieticians, Psychologists, Exercise therapists or Physiologists ) who want to learn from the pioneers in this pathbreaking new approach to healthcare.
• Practitioners who are new to Lifestyle Medicine will learn how to integrate it into daily practice to improve treatment outcomes, quality of life and prevention of chronic conditions.
• Practitioners who are already practicing LM will hear the latest research and integrative techniques from experts in the field, update their skills and learn how to take their practice to next level.